Friday, July 18, 2008

it looks cooler tham hsm.
grr..... i dont have disney.

cca today.
watched the AHS vs EAST VIEW match.
first time watching AHS playing. hahas.
its was kinda boring.
EV no.7 looks like junwei.
i was asking wenmin. hey, basket ball match got how many quaters ar?
1/4 * 4 = 1 o.o
my math sucks. hahahas.

gosh. everytime during the week ive got alot of things in my head that i want to post about. but when i sit in front of the comptuer, i just cant find anything to talk about. o.o

im on NANA book 8. actually finiahed it already.
mandy passed me the book witht the plastic cover on. she called me to remove it myself.
im reading nana, so is christabel. rachel's on deathnote. christabel is on oruan high host club too.
annabella's on hellgirl and life.
woah! the manga virus. ahah.

lets see, i havent got the pictures from sheila yet.
i'll post it when i get them.

ACC! pleasezxzx people. tyvm.

i was tired thorugh the whole week and yawning through jiangbei's lessons.
today was the only day that was better.
ms nisrin is sick.

YAY! my cream puffs were chiozxzx! chio creamless cream puffs.
hmmmm...... i saw weekiat today too. haha.
no.13. tsk, u da-er.
ESSS basketball jersey is gay. black, red, white.
AHS is nicer. green, white. :]

i shall stop here. have alot of tests on the upcoming week and the week after. and have to do art/homec/chinese.
im guai. :D

(wenmin, u dont have to say that im the guaikia type of chio. i know im not chiozxzx.)

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