Friday, May 16, 2008

CAPRICORN - The Go-Getter (Dec 22 - Jan 19)
Patient and wise. Practical and rigid. Ambitious(?). Tends to be Good-looking.[o.o] Humorous and funny. Can be a bit shy and reserved. Often pessimistic. Capricorns tend to act before they think[神经大条] and can be Unfriendly at times. Hold grudges[lol]. Like competition(?).

thats me?
i guess its kinda accurate. yesyes.
only the last line. idk if its true or not.

results all back.
its damn good. good until i also cannot believe that i got such good grades.
first time you know.
haha. its damn good.

cca was B O R I N G
i dont like jiaolian.
as long as i start blowing, idk why, i will start yawning n yawning.

im not talking much.
showing black face to people for no reason.
a reason no one would know.
anti-social. extremist.
either i laugh like siao. or i show black face to everyone.

i hate you. 这该死的爱

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