Gay shit. Go away. Games day kick ass.
I need to post. I can't make myself study Chem if i don't post now.
I am irritated.
If people want to have something/ wish to gain recognition/ blah, why do they have to act/ be 'modest'/ hide themselves. It's really irritating. Cause it's obvious and everyone know that you are capable of doing the job well. Oh, and you come and hide with people like me who just don't have any talent in it.
Come, come whine to me about how shitty the CCA is getting.
Other than my occasional
zi-highing, or maybe some events that have spurred me to keep talking to people, i have no talent in leadership stuff. But you, you who everyone can see with their eyes, is the one. And once upon a time you wanted it. Deny if you want to, maybe it was all my fault for being too sensitive.
Problems, I try to help. But if I've been very unhelpful nowadays, maybe I'm just tired.
I'm just growing tired of everything. The cycle that goes round and round, never ending.
Your problems are annoying, yes, I agree. I would scream like siao if it was me.
But please, if I don't seem to be talking much/ responding, please understand.
OH, you have a new companion, go talk to him if you want to.
Sometimes, I feel like I'm being used. Don't know why.
It's like I'm the spare tyre. I can't make myself do that to anyone, it's just too mean.
You get to me that time cause she
supposedly wasn't going.
Or maybe not?
I get hyper with them and I feel bad with you trying to catch up witha bad stomach.
Or maybe not?
You complain about people, but please, look at the ones around you before you say those statements. Cause I felt like that before and I chose to keep quiet. I believed that it was just your way of doing things.
I try to help and in the the end, I'm the loser. The one who got cheated.
It happened upteen times. I'm lazy to count. Just don't want to say anything about it.
They told me to be smarter, I'll try to.
I have bad social skills. Yes, too bad for me. People, stay away, I don't know how to talk.
You see, I feel so
in the middle that I don't feel like i fit anywhere.
Some people can study, some do sports, some do music, some do art, some just talk and some just have that
thing in them. Others are just born to been beautiful.
I am in the middle. Such a disgusting place to be in.
The worst thing is that if you try to be nice, you get even more stuck in between.
Cause don't know who to be mean with. and people don't know who is boss.
One of the reason to why Vanessa cannot be a leader.
Eat shit manzx. I'm not writing some letter of complaint or whatever.
People who think they are involved, maybe its not you, you'll never know.
Chem is obscence.
Sheila and Elaine and GAY. I felt so humiliated/ unglam/ exposed during the highly anticipated band concert.
Three crazy people running around in the hall during the second half and screaming Rex's name and taking random pictures. Those were the good memories.
The bad ones, hmmm. I feel rather exposed. They destroyed one of my main motivation to go to school everyday and I ended up in a very odd position.
I don't want CNY. It's disheartening to see everday pass by so quickly.
Angpaos are pathetic on the other hand. :(
Okay, back to Chem.